When the Virus is largely contained following the events of "Lost Christmas", he subsequently aids Shuichiro Keido's plot to once again unleash the Virus on humanity which serves as the series' present source of conflict.
Greater-Scope Villain: As the one behind Mana's transformation into an Apocalypse Maiden, he's the prime mover behind the original Apocalypse Virus outbreak. The Face: He does the talking for a certain group of individuals, so far unseen.
The Chessmaster: He manipulates Keido into continuing his research on the Apocalypse Virus and help cause the catastrophe in 2029. Awesome, but Impractical: The voids he uses are flashy and graceful looking, but useless as all get-out in terms of powers or abilities, especially compared to Shu's voids. Anthropomorphic Personification: One possible interpretation of his nature he call himself an embodiment of will (that of the organization Daath, to be precise).
Ambition Is Evil: His ambition is to have Keido continue research on the Apocalypse Virus and cause another worldwide outbreak of the virus. Ambiguous Gender: Even though he has a feminine voice, he looks like a young boy. His Void is a large bow with arrows that restrains whatever it hits. After being rejected by Kurosu Ouma, he manipulates Keido into continuing his research on the Virus for Da'ath, kickstarting the entire plot of the series. In reality, he is the true villain of the series, being the embodiment of humanity´s will to evolve and the leader of an Ancient Conspiracy by the name of Da'ath.
Yu is a mysterious blond-haired boy who has cameos in Episode 6 and 10, and first appears in Episode 11 to aid Keido in his quest for world domination. Voiced by: Yuka Nishigaki (Japanese), Leah Clark (English)