Hunk was featured in one of the first teasers of Revelations and many thought that he was going to be in the game. Rachael and Hunk for Raid Mode (Rachael became a cult favorite among some fans and begged Capcom to add her to Raid Mode. More bonus costumes for Raid Mode and Campaign (after you beat the game once, you have the option to equip characters with any costume you want) This is so you can get guns and upgrades sent to you) RE.net (This was added for the ports since it's impossible to earn rewards that were normally achieved with Streetpass on the 3DS. Better cutscene graphics (It's nice to see the intricate facial expressions on the ports and the details are blurred by the 3DS' blue overlay) Harder difficulty (Actually, it's the same as regular Hell mode, but given a new name and the weapon boxes were randomly positioned) Nintendo Club points (If you're a member in the Nintendo Club, you can register a special code that comes with the 3DS version of Revelations and get points to buy exclusive merchandise) Once you beat the game, you have to keep a permanant save on a menu of optional save points or risk it getting overwritten when you play a new game - it's a mess) On the port, you only have ONE save file that's constantly written over as you play.

And, you have the option of deleting both of them. Save files (on the 3DS you get two separate slots that you can save on, which means you can have a 'master' save file and you can start all over again on the other for fun. On the console ports, you have to get an RE.net account and use points to BUY things you want and send them to your game or to a friend which can be nice. Streetpass rewards for Raid Mode (You get instant rewards for every single player you play with in Raid Mode - after they become a monster that you have to beat. Gaming on the go (this game was designed for handhelds and is great to play outside the house) Here's a list of differences between the 3DS and the ports: I've played Revelations on the 3DS, Xbox and on Steam and I gotta tell you - the 3DS version is better gameplay-wise, but connecting with other players in Raid Mode is finicky and unreliable as opposed to playing Raid Mode on console.